Category: spring

  • A Long Saturday Walk Across Portland

    A Long Saturday Walk Across Portland

    The beauty of Portland during spring is best experienced through immersion. This weekend, I went for a seven mile walk from NE Portland to Sellwood so that I could soak up the perfect weather and admire the endless flowers in full bloom. Here is some of what I found: Dogwood, Rhododendrons, Cherry Blossoms, and Camas.…

  • Spring on the Oregon Coast

    Spring on the Oregon Coast

    April 13, 2023 I spent the week on the Oregon Coast. It’s been years since I’ve written a blog post, but being out here has pushed me to start writing again. I’m also taking a social media break—at least trying to. I’m one of the people who love to be “in the know,” and I…

  • My Very First Trail “Run”

    My Very First Trail “Run”

      About two years ago I decided that I wanted to start running. I was in my mid thirties and office work was keeping me more sedentary than I would have liked. I hated going to the gym, and was not a particularly athletic person, but I did love being outside, so running seemed like…

  • A Walk to North Portland: Poetry, Spring Flowers, and Empty Streets

    A Walk to North Portland: Poetry, Spring Flowers, and Empty Streets

    I always find it interesting how many people will drive long distances to go hiking, but many of those same people won’t walk long distances in their own cities. For me, most of inner Portland can be accessed on foot, and I think that a two, three, four, or even eight mile walk across the…

  • Spiral Plant 

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